Benefits of Membership

Members Products & Services

Not only does GHDS provide new patient referrals to member dentists; the following discounts and special services are provided exclusively for our members!

Greater Houston Dental Society members receive all membership benefits offered by the Texas Dental Association and the American Dental Association. Contact them for a list of benefits.

Star of the South Dental Meeting

The Star of the South Dental Meeting is the #1-rated benefit by members! All GHDS members that Pre-Register for the meeting pay $0 registration fee! Visit the Meetings & Events section of this website for more information ​and the link to the Star of the South Website.

GHDS Lending Library

The GHDS lending library includes video, audio print materials available for check out. Email: to obtain a list of available materials.

Emergency Referral Service

As one of its membership benefits and as a service to the community, the Greater Houston Dental Society offers an emergency referral service for evening and weekend hours. This service provides referrals for individuals needing emergency dental care. There is no fee for this service. This is a good opportunity for new dentists, who are working to build their practice, to establish contact with potential patients, in addition to providing a much needed service to the community. To participate in this service, you must register with the GHDS. Please click here to access the Emergency Referral Service registration form.