CLASSIFIED ADS - 2020-2021

The Greater Houston Dental Society offers our classified advertising for employment candidates and for employers, and to advertise available office(s) or equipment for sale or lease, share office space, or other dental-related services. Please note that our staff posts ads at the end of the week, however, it may be subject to change due to the timing of other commitments within our association.

Submit your ad in writing by email to . Include contact information, name of dentist associated with ad (if applicable) and length of time in which the ad should be run.
In response, our staff ​provide you with an invoice for your ad and collect your payment. Then we shall schedule your ad. Checks can be made payable to the GHDS, or major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express).

NEW Classified Ad Rates and Schedule, ​as of Friday, July 10, 2020:

Classifieds – ONLINE (per month/30 day period, available year-round)

GHDS Member Up to 40 words – $50.00 + .50 per each additional word (over 40
Nonmembers Up to 40 words – $100.00 + 1.00 per each additional word (over 40

Classifieds – PRINT (published in Journal 4 times/year – Fall Edition (Sept/Oct), Winter Edition (Nov/Dec), Spring Edition (Feb/Mar), Summer Edition (May/Jun).

GHDS Member Up to 40 words – $50.00 + .50 per each additional word (over 40
Nonmembers Up to 40 words – $100.00 + 1.00 per each additional word (over 40


GHDS Member Up to 40 words – $​90.00 + .50 per each additional word (over 40
Nonmembers Up to 40 words – $​190.00 + 1.00 per each additional word (over 40

The Society reserves the right to change ad rates without advance notice.