GHDS Leadership Opportunities
In early summer, the GHDS issues its Annual Call for Nominations. This Call provides an opportunity for GHDS members to express their interest, to nominate individuals, and to vie for leadership positions in the Society. The leadership opportunities include Board, Elected Committee Chairs/Members, Delegate and Alternate Delegate positions.
Once the Call is issued, you will submit your interest through an established system. All interested candidate information will be submitted to and reviewed by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee develops the Slate which is presented for vote by the GHDS membership.
GHDS Board of Directors
The Board of Directors conducts, manages and oversees the business of the Society within the framework of the Constitution and Bylaws. The Board is composed of 13 members, seven Officers and six Directors. Directors serve a two-year term. Each Board member also serves as liaison to one or more committees of the Society. Positions that are elected each year include:
One-Year Term
President-Elect (ascends to President and then Immediate Past President positions)
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Two-Year Terms
Director (3 positions available)
Nominating Committee – (4-year term that ascends to Chair position)
The Nominating Committee is an elected committee consisting of the President, the Immediate Past-President, the President-elect and four members elected by the general membership.
The Nominating Committee serves in the following functions:
- Presents at least one nominee for each elective office and all elective committee positions with the exception of itself,
- Studies the evaluation of Officers, Directors, Committee Members, Delegates and Alternate Delegates as to performance
- Makes recommendations to the Greater Houston Dental Society those members whose performance ensures the best in leadership quality,
- Reviews participation forms to determine members’ areas of interest and may seek feedback from various other sources to determine a candidate’s viability, and
- Contacts potential nominees to determine their willingness to serve.
Judicial Committee Chair – (One-Year Term – Prefer someone who has previously served on the Committee)
Judicial Committee Member – (Three-Year Term -Three positions available, training required)
The Judicial Committee’s objective is to educate the membership on the ADA/TDA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct. It also serves as an avenue for self-governance. The committee investigates alleged unethical activities of dentists, and reviews advertising that may be false or misleading.
Note: All members of the GHDS Judicial Committee must have attended a virtual training session conducted by the TDA before they assume their duties. Chairs must have attended a TDA training session within the last four years and all GHDS committee members must have attended a TDA training session within the last eight years.
Peer Review Committee Chair – (One-Year Term – Prefer someone who has previously served on the Committee)
Peer Review Committee Member – (Three-Year Term,various positions open and represent regional areas and specialties, training required)
The Peer Review Committee reviews and evaluates disputes between dentists and patients. The committee acts in a mediatory capacity to review matters concerning the quality of treatment performed and appropriateness of care.
Note: All members of the GHDS Peer Review Committee must have attended a virtual training session conducted by the TDA before they assume their duties. Chairs must have attended a TDA training session within the last four years and all GHDS committee members must have attended a TDA training session within the last eight years.
Delegates & Alternate Delegates to the TDA House of Delegates – (One-Year Term)
Delegates are the official representatives of the Greater Houston Dental Society to the Texas Dental Association House of Delegates. Delegates must attend all meetings of the House of Delegates. Alternates serve as on-call representatives when a Delegate has to leave the floor of the House. Alternates must attend all meetings of the House of Delegates.
(Please note that the term of the GHDS Delegate and Alternate Delegates is one year following election. Those elected in this year would serve at the TDA House of Delegates held in May 2025)
For more specific information about qualifications, responsibilities and time commitment for each opportunity please click here.