GHDS Member Practice Spotlight

The GHDS Communications Committee in collaboration with other GHDS committees coordinates several ongoing initiatives to engage and inform our member dentists and dental community. Featured is our next practice spotlight with member specialist Dr. Leticia Perezous: 

17177051_LP Smiles_20__Perezous_April 2024Dr. Leticia Perezous

Dr. Leticia Perezous received her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 1992. Soon after, she completed an Endodontics Preceptorship. Due to her determination to advance and to even further her career goals, she earned a Master of Science degree and a Certificate in Prosthodontics from the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston. She has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics and currently holds an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment in the Department of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry at UTHealth Scholl of Dentistry. She is the owner of Cosmetic Smiles, a thriving and well-established private practice in Houston.

Dr. Perezous has received several honors and awards for her outstanding clinical teaching and research work. She has written many articles that have been published in national peer-reviewed dental journals. She was selected by The American Academy College of Prosthodontics as the winner of the John J. Sharry Research Award, the most prestigious prosthodontic research award in the country.

Here we share our interview with Dr.Perezous:

Where are you from and where did you attend college, dental school, and residency if any?

I am from Brazil but moved to Houston in 1995. Dental School was completed in 1992 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. Prosthodontics residency and Master of Science degrees were completed in 2004 at the University of Texas School of dentistry in Houston.

What is your favorite part about your practice?

My favorite part about my practice is the difference I can make in patient’s lives. Especially when I see patients who have gone many years feeling insecure or unable to function from day to day. I see so many patients who feel defeated and unhappy because they think there is nothing they can do regarding their smile and oral function. When I can help patients achieve what they thought was unobtainable, that is such a reward in itself. I also work with a phenomenal team that shares the same passion that drives me every day. We all work together to build relationships with our patients and get to where they desire to be regarding their oral health.

What would you say is the mission statement of how you practice dentistry?

My mission statement would be “Everyone deserves the smile they dream of”. No matter if it’s a little detail or a full mouth rehabilitation, no one deserves to be self-conscious or uncomfortable with their smile. It’s such an important part of our lives and how we present ourselves to other people, and everyone should smile with confidence.

How do you balance work and personal life?
I love my profession, but I do not have a problem enjoying my life outside of the office. I love to travel and spend time with my family and I try to be as present as I can in those moments. I also think my team helps me find that balance. On very stressful and busy days, they always come together to make it easy for me to navigate my schedule. Because of them, we get the job done, our patients are well taken care of, and I can go home at the end of the day with a clear and confident mind.

What advice would you have for current dental students?
I would tell students not to take shortcuts and that quality is very important. I would say not to put anything in a patient’s mouth that they wouldn’t be satisfied with and feel proud of. It is our job as dental professionals to provide our patients with great quality treatment, and that’s something we should never underperform in or compromise on.